Gov. Mary Fallin: Leading A State's Rise From Tough Times
March 11, 2014
RGA Release
The Republican Governors Association today launched the next video of the American Comeback project, a national advertising effort designed to tell the success stories and accomplishments of Republican governors.
Featured in the newest American Comeback video is Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma. Fallin has seen her state through some of its toughest times; not only did she assume office during a period of economic downturn, but Oklahoma faced disaster of another kind when a massive tornado struck nearly one year ago. In more ways than one, Governor Fallin’s leadership and commitment to state-based solutions have put Oklahoma back on its feet, restoring optimism and strength in the state and its people.
You can view Governor Fallin’s video here:
“One of the things I want to do is rev up Oklahoma’s economy,” said Governor Fallin. “We’ve now gone from 2011, from having a 7 percent unemployment rate, down to 5.3 percent. When I came into office in January 2011, Oklahoma had $2.03 in our rainy day savings account. But today, because of our pro-growth policies, we now have over half a billion dollars in savings.”
“We went through some terrible times in May of this past year with the Moore tornadoes that struck many of our communities throughout our state,” Governor Fallin added. “We got busy doing the job that we needed to do, and that was helping our fellow neighbors, helping our businesses. We didn’t wait on the federal government to come in and show us how to do it. We did what we needed to do. Our people came together, neighbors helping neighbors.”
“I don’t think we are finding the answers in Washington. I think we’re finding the answers with our governors across our nation,” Governor Fallin concluded. “It’s the Republican governors that are driving America’s comeback.”
The American Comeback project will continue to grow to include more videos focused on individual Republican governors, their personal journeys and the progress they’ve made toward bringing prosperity to their states.
You can view previously released American Comeback videos featuring Republican governors here: