Mary Fallin

Fallin to Speak at GOP National Convention

August 7, 2012
The Edmond Sun
By James Coburn

EDMOND — Gov. Mary Fallin has been selected as a headline speaker at the Republican National Convention later this month in Tampa, Fla.

The 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum Aug. 27-30. The exact time and date of Fallin’s speech will be announced at a later date.

“In Oklahoma, we work to make government serve the people and not the other way around,” Fallin said. “Our next president has to share this same commitment and that is why I am so proud to be a part of the Republican National Convention to officially nominate Mitt Romney.”

Fallin also spoke to the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minn.

“This is yet another reminder to us Okies that Gov. Fallin is a national conservative leader who is taking Oklahoma to new heights. We are proud to call her our governor,” said Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Matt Pinnell.

Fallin has been lauded by national publications as one of the “Most Popular Governors in America,” noting her 69 percent approval rating. Under Fallin’s leadership, Oklahoma has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation at 4.7 percent, a full 3.6 percent below the national average, Pinnell said.

Fallin has been a leader in advocating for America’s energy producers and against President Obama’s decision to reject the full Keystone XL Pipeline.

“The election this November is about much more than politics. It is a decision we have to make about the direction of America,” Fallin said. “Are we going to continue to tax and spend and grow government far past the point of sustainability, or are we going to restore fiscal sanity to Washington, D.C. and force government to live within its means?”

Nearly 50,000 visitors are expected to come to the Tampa Bay area for the event, including delegates, alternate delegates, media and other guests.

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