The Final Week--Mary Campaigns Across the District
On Tuesday, Oct. 31st and Wednesday, Nov.1st, Mary toured various cities across the 5th Congressional District. Along the way she talked about the key issues facing our country and her priorities as a member of Congress. During her two-day tour, Mary visited with voters in Shawnee, Tecumseh, Seminole, Konawa, Asher, Luther, Jones, Harrah, Choctaw, and Del City. Thanks to each city for their hospitality and warm welcome!
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Fallin for Congress Campaign Roundup!
The Fallin for Congress Campaign hosted a Roundup at the Oklahoma Rodeo Opry at Stockyards City in Oklahoma City. The event featured live performances by up-and-coming, local Oklahoma talent --including singers, comedians, a fiddler, and thein-house band!
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Race for the Cure
The Fallin for Congress Campaign participated in the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure" on Saturday, October 14th. Congratulations and many thanks to all those that participated in this very important and worthy cause!
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Campaigning at the Oklahoma State Fair
Last weekend, Mary and her campaign visited the Oklahoma State Fair. While there, Mary was not only able to meet with people from the 5th District, but with those from across the state and nation.
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Concerned Ethnic Americans of Oklahoma 2006 Forum
On Saturday, Sept. 16th, Mary joined many candidates at the Concerned Ethnic Americans of Oklahoma 2006 Political Forum. She discussed her platform for Congress, including securing our nation's borders, ending illegal immigration and addressing healthcare issues.
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Campaigning in McLoud, OK
On August 30th, Mary campaigned in McLoud, visiting with residents and having lunch. It's always great to campaign and talk with voters in Pottawatomie County!
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Opening of the Edmond GOP Women's Headquarters
Republican candidates join the ladies of the Edmond Republican Women's club to officially open their new headquarters. The headquarters will be a place for candidates to hold events, provide literature and help secure a Republican victory in 2006!
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Another Day of Door-to-Door in Edmond!
On Saturday, August 19th, Mary was joined for a morning of door knocking in Edmond a few days before the Runoff election. Thank you to everyone who has spent their days with Mary, out in the communities visiting with the voters!
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Mary's Wonderful Volunteers!
Volunteers stop by the Fallin Campaign Headquarters during the final days before the August 22nd Runoff election. We thank all of you for your months of hard work to help Mary win her bid for Congress. You are greatly appreciated!
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Mary Supporting the Girl Scout's Redland Division
On August 12, Mary was on hand to present a $1,000 check from Cox Communications to the Girl Scout's Redland Division. The event took place at the AMC Theater at Quail Springs Mall where the Girl Scouts viewed a special movie presentation. Both Mary Fallin and her daughter are former Girl Scouts.
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Door-to-Door in North Oklahoma City
On Saturday, August 12th, Mary was joined by volunteers as she went door knocking in North Oklahoma. The response was positive and gave candidate and voter the chance to visit and talk about things that are important to Oklahoma.
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Northwest Republican Club's Candidate Forum
Mary and her GOP Primary runoff opponent appeared together at the Northwest Republican Club for a candidate forum. Those in attendance saw first-hand why elected officials, key GOP leaders and all of the other Primary opponents have endorsed her candidacy!
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Oklahoma Republican Assembly Forum
The Oklahoma Republican Assembly hosted a candidate forum between Mary and Mick Cornett on August 8th. After the meeting, Mary was endorsed as the Republican candidate for Congress by both the Oklahoma Republican Assembly and the National Federation of Republican Assemblies.
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Returning to Bethany and Warr Acres
Mary returned to the Bethany and Warr Acres area on Saturday, August 5th for grassroots campaigning. She was accompanied by radio Station KGOU as part of their candidate coverage. We had a great response from area residents who showed enthusiasm and commitment to her candidacy!
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The Primary Election!
Mary and her volunteers spent long hours campaigning and meeting voters before the Republican Primary on July 25th. And it paid off....Mary finished first in this election, getting 35% of the vote-- 10 points more than her closest rival!
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Campaigning in Edmond before Tuesday's Election
On Saturday, Mary Fallin was joined by over twenty supporters and friends to go door knocking in Edmond. Visiting with voters on their door step has always been an important part of Mary's grassroots campaign. The Primary Election is this coming Tuesday, July 25th so be sure to go and vote for Mary Fallin!!
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Mary Honored by Midwest City Leaders
Mary was honored by Midwest City leaders Thursday, July 20th, for her work on behalf of Oklahoma public safety and rescue workers after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and during the Oklahoma wildfires earlier this year. July 20th was proclaimed Mary Fallin Day in Midwest City.
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Friends and Supporters Turn out for Events
Mary' supporters and friends continue to show their support of her candidacy through campaign and fundraising events across the district. They know Mary has the background and record to be a great member of Congress!
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5th District Congressional Candidate Forum
On July 13th, Mary participated in the 5th District GOP Congressional Candidates' Forum sponsored by the State GOP and the 5th District GOP. All six candidates were in attendance where they each gave their answers to eighteen questions. The questions were taken from the Republican electorate and the forum panelists.
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The GOP Coming Together Picnic
On Saturday, July 8th, Mary joined fellow Republicans at a "Coming Together" picnic sponsored by the Redlands Republican Womens Club. The picnic was an event for voters to
meet and greet the various candidates.
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Bethany Centennial Freedom Festival Parade
Mary was proud to participate in the Bethany Centennial Freedom Festival Parade on Tuesday, July 4th. The parade, which included nearly 100 entries, was part of a larger festival that took place over the Independence Holiday weekend.
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Back in Bethany for neighborhood campaigning!
Mary and her supporters returned to Bethany neighborhoods on July 3rd for more door-to-door grassroots campaigning. She has campaigned in these neighborhoods many times, and always finds a lot of support and enthusiasm!
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A Mary Fallin Block Party!
This week, Mary's neighbors held a threw a block party in her honor. Many thanks to the friends and neighbors who opened their home and prepared the food for this fun evening!
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Mary Fallin Yard Signs!
An enthusiastic group of volunteers and supporters continue to help put up Mary's Yard Signs across the district. Call the Campaign Headquarters today to get yours!
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Edmond Lions Club
Mary spoke to the Edmond Lions Club on June 13th about current events at the Capitol and her campaign for Congress.
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GOP Candidate Forum
Mary participated in the GOP Candidate forum at Epworth Villa on Friday, June 9th. She addressed key issues in the campaign like healthcare reform, immigration reform and taxes.
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Mary Files for Office!
Mary officially filed for office on June 5th! The next day, her friends and supporters joined her at the "Mary Fallin Filing Fesitivities" to show their enthusiasm for the campaign!
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Saturday, June 3rd, in Bethany and Warr Acres!
On Saturday, June 3rd, Mary returned with volunteers and supporters to do grassroots campaigning in neighborhoods across Bethany and Warr Acres. The weather was hot...but the support and enthusiasm made it all well-worth the effort!
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More Door to Door in NW Oklahoma City!
On Friday and Saturday, July 14 and 15th, Mary and supporters visited various neighborhoods in NW Oklahoma City--the response has been great!! Over the many months, Mary has been able to listen to the frustrations and concerns of 5th District voters and to share with them her vision of what a member of Congress should be.
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