Farm Bureau partners with governor's food drive

October 19, 2012

High Plains Journal

County Farm Bureau offices across Oklahoma are once again serving as food donation drop-off locations for Gov. Mary Fallin's third annual Feeding Oklahoma Food and Fund Drive being held Oct. 15 to Nov. 15. Farm Bureau has partnered with the governor's food drive since its inception in 2010.

"Oklahoma Farm Bureau is proud to participate in this honorable effort to feed hungry Oklahomans," said OFB President Mike Spradling. "Farmers and ranchers produce an abundance of safe and affordable food. It is unacceptable for any man, woman or child to go to bed hungry in this nation."

During an Oct. 11 press conference announcing the food drive, Fallin said the campaign's goal is to provide enough food for 1.2 million meals.

According to the USDA, Oklahoma ranks as the fifth hungriest state in the nation, with more than 675,000 Oklahomans struggling with hunger every day. The Oklahoma food banks provide enough food for 150,000 people each week.

"Farm Bureau's participation in the food drive is a continuation of our commitment to feeding hungry Oklahomans," Spradling said.

Farm Bureau launched its Farmers Fighting Hunger campaign five years ago to combat hunger and educate the public about the important role farmers and ranchers play in producing a safe, nutritious product.

Each year, Farm Bureau members bring non-perishable food items to the annual Farm Bureau convention in November. Most recently the farm group has announced partnership in the Beef for Backpacks program where nutritional beef sticks are added to hungry children's backpacks for use on weekends and holidays.

The food drive is conducted in partnership with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, which serves community soup kitchens, food banks and shelters in all 77 counties
